Excellent PRO Principessa No1 15g

Excellent PRO Principessa No2 15g

Excellent PRO Principessa No3 15g

Excellent PRO Principessa No4 15g

Excellent PRO Principessa No5 15g

Excellent PRO Principessa No6 15g

Excellent PRO Multi Powder 35g

Excellent PRO Multi Powder White 35g

Excellent PRO Multi Powder Cover 35g

Excellent PRO Thixotropy gel with effect shine like a diamond 15g

Excellent PRO Builder gel with thixotropy Pinky Pink 50g

Excellent PRO Builder Gel Economic Rozzy Pink 50g

Excellent PRO Thixotropy gel with effect Cosmic Dust 15g

Excellent PRO Thixotropy gel with effect Holographic 15g

Excellent PRO Thixotropy gel with effect Pure Love 15g

Excellent PRO MIG! MIG! GEL White Rose 30g

Builder Color With Thixotropy Salmon Orange 30g

Builder Color With Thixotropy BeBe Holo 30g

Builder Color With Thixotropy Pink Melody 30g

Builder Color With Thixotropy Amethyst Dust 30g